Episode 34 – Freespace
July 22, 2013Stand to Blockers!
It’s episode 34 where we’re talking about the great 1998 Volition space sim, Freespace.
A new game from the developer of Syndicate had been kickstarted. Satellite Reign promises to be a spiritual successor to Syndicate. Check it out!
The Duke Nukem Platformer pack has been released on Steam. This contains the first two Duke Nukem side scrollers plus the newer Manhattan Project game.
A kickstarter movie project about the history of Sierra On-Line needs our help!
A trailer for the new Tex Murphy game, the Tesla Effect has released. It gives you a good idea of the look of the game.
Finally, the creative director for the new SimCity has left EA to form his own company. He also took two other senior people along with him.
We then read a quick email from Andreas where he talks about a cool blog about a foreigner living in Japan.
We then get to the main event, Freespace. We talk about the game in depth as we always do.
Buy Freespace on GoG:
Buy Freespace 2 on GoG:
Next time, we’ll be covering the 1993 4X strategy title, Master of Orion.
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