Episode 11 – Loom
August 16, 2012Hello to all the Blockers!
Welcome to episode 11. This time around, we’re heading back to the adventure genre with a great LucasArts game from 1990, Loom.
First though, some news:
Shortly after the last show, strange rumours started popping up about a new Rise of the Triad game by Apogee software. Turns out they are true!
Some more info about the new X-COM: Enemy Unknown game has come out. We’re talking competitive multiplayer and a release date! You can also pre-order at their site.
Finally, some sad news: 3D modelling pioneer Paul Steed, who worked on games like Strike Commander and Quake, passed away suddenly this week.
After the news we read a few listener emails covering a few topics.
Business aside, I then start to delve into the fantastic and wonderful world of Loom. As usual we cover all the aspects of story, gameplay, development and more relating to this truly unique adventure game from Lucasfilm Games.
If you want to give Loom a go, it can be purchased on Steam.
Next week, we put on our conductor’s hat when we look at yet another game from 1990, Sid Meier’s Railroad Tycoon.
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[…] rather enjoyed listening to this episode of the Upper Memory Block and Billybob476 talk about the old game “Loom”. I have never heard of this game before and it sounds like a very interesting concept. Listen to […]
I heard of Loom when playing “The Secret Of Monkey Island” (another game you have to cover at some point), where a guy in the SCUMM bar wore a pin that said, “ask me about LOOM”. If you asked, he would give a commercial for the game.
I got Loom with a collection of games, and discovered a site which had a way to upgrade it to the CD version (VGA graphics and voice acting and sound). The problem was, I couldn’t burn the CD in the way it said to do. I wasn’t tech enough to make it work. I was stuck with the disc EGA version. with no sound.
Fast forward to when I finally heard of SCUMMVM. The first game I put into it was “The Secret Of Monkey Island”, and I heard the in game music for the very first time. Loom was next, and I just put all those files I was supposed to burn to CD in the same folder as the game, and SCUMMVM just made it all work. I was suddenly playing the CD version, and spent the next week or so going through the quest with my daughter.
To say that I was greatly anticipating this episode would be a grave understatement. I had heard of Loom through other LucasArts (or rather Lucasfilms) games, such as Father Beast describes, but I didn’t play it until a few years ago. And I too kicked myself for not playing it sooner!!! It’s a true gem, the story (not even sure that’s it’s loosely based on Swan Lake, honestly, aside from the music and the presence of swans), the music, the gameplay are all truly unique, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. I’m really glad that you did it justice, and certainly learned a few new things about it thanks to the dev story and tech focus segments! It truly shows that you put a lot of effort and preparation into these podcasts, wow.
Thanks for all your hard work, it’s greatly appreciated, I’m loving these podcasts!!
Yes, the association to Swan Lake is tenuous at best. I love these LucasArts adventures and this one really is special.