Archive for the ‘Podcast’ Category


Episode 30 – Dungeon Keeper

May 29, 2013

Welcome Blockers!

It’s episode 30! This time around we’re talking about the unique 1997 Bullfrog franchise, Dungeon Keeper.

Dungeon Keeper box artAs usual though, news first:

The creators of The Incredible Machine are coming out with a new game called Contraption Maker.

A movie project called Video Games: The Movie attempts to communicate the love of video games from the people that made them.

A unique adventure game project called Armikrog has some cool looking graphics and an interesting voice cast.

Finally, the new Leisure Suit Larry has been delayed by a month due to bug fixes.

Finally, we get on to the main event: Dungeon Keeper. We cover all the bases of this fun and unique game series.

Buy Dungeon Keeper on GoG:

Buy Dungeon Keeper 2 on GoG:

War for the Overworld on Steam:

Next time, I’ll be covering the infamous Duke Nukem series.

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Episode 29 – Myst

May 12, 2013

Howdy Blockers!

Time for episode 29 of the podcast where we’re discussing the 1993 Cyan adventure/puzzle game, Myst.
Myst box art
As usual though, the news:

Disney and EA have entered an exclusive multi-year deal to develop a series of new Star Wars games.

Maxis has announced The Sims 4 and opened up registration for a mailing list.

Bethesda has announced a new Wolfenstein game taking place in an alternate version of the 60’s where the Nazis won the war.

We then get to the main topic, Myst. Gameplay, story and get a little deeper with tech focus and dev story.

Buy Myst on GoG:

Buy Myst on Steam:

Next time, I’ll be revisiting Peter Molyneux with 1997’s Dungeon Keeper.

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Episode 28 – SimCity 5

April 28, 2013

Hail Blockers!

SimCity 2013 boxartThis week we time travel to the present day and cover EA’s newly released SimCity 5.

In the news:

Jane Jensen’s new game, Moebius, will be out by the end of 2013.

Chris Roberts’ Cloud Imperium Games opens a new office in Santa Monica, CA.

The X-COM FPS has undergone some changes and is now being developed as a realtime tactical shooter called The Bureau.

We then get into the review of the new SimCity 5 (or SimCity 2013 or whatever you’d like to call it). I talk quite a bit about gameplay and how the guts of he game work. I also discuss some of the continuing issues with the game and finally give you my verdict on whether it’s worth buying or not.

Buy SimCity 5 on Amazon:

Buy SimCity 5 on Origin:

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Episode 27 – Strike Commander

April 14, 2013

Hello Blockers!

Strike Commander boxartFor episode 27, we talk about the 1993 Origin Systems flight sim, Strike Commander.

Before that though, the news:

In light of the closure of LucasArts, Raven software has released the source code for their two great Star Wars games, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy.

The Two Guys SpaceVenture released a short alpha preview video.

I sat in on an episode of the Elder Geek Game Club where we talked about the indie adventure game, Primordia.

We then chat about Strike Commander. Genre, story, gameplay, tech focus, dev story, all the usual stuff.

Buy Strike Commander on GoG:

Next week, a bit of a different show, I’ll be talking about the new 2013 release of SimCity By Maxis/EA.

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Episode 26 – Fallout

April 3, 2013

Happy anniversary Blockers!

Yes, it’s the one year anniversary show where we are talking the great 1997 Interplay game series, Fallout.

Fallout Box ArtFirst though, lots of news this week.

A cool film kickstarter focusing on the history of the UK gaming scene.

Tim Schafer’s Double Fine Adventure has an actual name, meet Broken Age.

Retronauts is trying to reboot themselves outside of

Larry reloaded is scheduled to release in May!

Telltale Games is no longer working on their previously announced King’s Quest game.

In business news, Disney shuts down Lucasarts.

Father Beast points out some fun Star Wars based arcade games found at

Finally, we get to our main topic, the Fallout series. I get deep into the gameplay, dev story and all the rest.

Buy Fallout on GoG:

Buy Fallout 2 on GoG:

Buy Fallout 3 on Steam:

Buy Fallout New Vegas on Steam:

Next time, I’ll be covering the 1993 Origin game, Strike Commander.

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Episode 25 – X-Wing

March 17, 2013

Hi Blockers!

This week, we’re talking about the incredible space sim series, X-Wing.

X-Wing box artBefore we talk about that, the news:

The team that brought us the original Planetscape: Torment are kicksarting a new game, Torment: Tides of Numenera.

Lord British told us what he meant to. Check out his new game on kickstarter, Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues.

Finally, the developers working on the new Shadowrun Returns game, which raised 18 million dollars last year, released 20 minute of alpha gameplay footage. Looks like they’re on track.

Next, a quick email talking about Humungous games and where you can get them today.

Finaly we get to X-Wing. We talk about the story, gameplay and tech focus. In dev story, we go through the history of the series and a bit about each of the sequels. Then we hear a few listener memories of the games.

Buy X-Wing on eBay

Buy X-Wing on Amazon

Next time, not only is it the podcast’s 1 year anniversary, but we will also be discussing the awesome Fallout series!


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Episode 24 – The Incredible Machine

March 3, 2013

Howdy Blockers!

The incredible machine box artThis time around, we’re talking about Dynamix’s 1992 puzzle game, The Incredible Machine.

This week in the news:

Death Inc Kickstarter

Mage’s Initiaition Kickstarter

Back in February, the Guys from Andromeda podcast interviewed Jim Walls, creator of Police Quest and he announced his intention to kickstart a new Police Quest style game.

Finally, Lord British has something to say at

A few links from listener emails:

BJ Used to read this interesting eductionial software magazine:

King’s Quest fan remakes from Father Beast:
1, 2 and 3 from AGD Interactive:
Episode based remake:
IA King’s Quest 3 remake:

Finally, on the The Incredible Machine. We discuss all the usual suspects and cover the whole series of games.

Buy The Incredible Machine on GoG:

Next time we’re going to cover the awesome LucasArts space sim: X-Wing. I’m super excited for this one!


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Episode 23 – King’s Quest

February 18, 2013

Hello Blockers!

Welcome to episode 23. This time around we’re talking about the huge Sierra adventure series that started back in 1984, King’s Quest.

Kings Quest 1 box artBefore we get into this huge topic, we have a few small items of news to cover:

Ken Allen put out a very interesting podcast where he discusses how he came up with the music for Space Quest 4. Also, it turns out that he will be able to rearrange his own creations despite the fact the rights are owned by Activision through mechanical licensing.

Secondly, big news on the front. System Shock 2 is now available for purchase for 9.99 USD. I definitely need to give this one a whirl since I didn’t get a chance to play it when it originally came out.

So that’s that for the news, now we get on to our main topic, Roberta Williams’ King’s Quest series. I talk about the history of the series and cover some interesting points of each of the eight games in the series.

Buy King’s Quest 1, 2 and 3 on GoG:

Buy King’s Quest 4, 5 and 6 on GoG:

Buy King’s Quest 7 and 8 on GoG:

Next time around, I’ll be covering my first puzzle type game, Dynamix’s The Incredible Machine.

Enjoy the show!

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Episode 22 – Rollercoaster Tycoon

January 27, 2013

Howdy Blockers!

Welcome to episode 22 where we talk about the 1999 Microprose game, Rollercoaster Tycoon.

Rollercoaster Tycoon box artBefore that though, there’s quite a bit of news this week:

Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded’s Greenlight campaign was a success. It was approved along with other games in the fourth round of Greenlight inductees.

In addition, Leisure Suit Larry’s Greatest Hits and Misses is now available on GoG. This compilation includes Larry 1 – 6 and is a mere 10 dollars.

Back to Greenlight, a cool game called Pinball Arcade is trying to get approved. Looks like a very cool reproduction of some classic pinball tables. Check it out!

In SpaceVenture news, former Sierra star composer Ken Allen is now confirmed to be on board to do the music for the game. This is awesome news.

n addition, Ken Allen himself has launched a Kickstarter. Under the Half Dome will be a modernized compilation of some of Ken’s best game music work.

Finally, in beta news:

The Elder Scrolls online beta signup is open.

SimCity 5 closed beta has begun.

After all that news, we get into our main topic, Microprose’s 1999 game, Rollercoaster Tycoon. We talk about the game, dev story, listen to a voicemail and all the rest!

Buy Rollercoaster Tycoon on GOG:

Buy Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 on GoG:

Buy Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 on GoG:

Next time, I’ll be covering a big series, Sierra’s King’s Quest adventures. This series is a cornerstone of gaming history. I’m looking forward to covering it!

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Episode 21 – Full Throttle

January 10, 2013

Hi Blockers!

Time for episode 21! This time around, I’m covering the great 1995 Lucasarts adventure game, Full Throttle.

Full Throttle Box ArtBut first, a bit of news:

It’s the new year which means it’s time for CES. I talk a little bit about some things announced there and my hopes for the upcoming Steam Box.

A kickstarter campaign who’s aim is to remake the original space trading game, Elite successfully funded. Check it out!

Finally, it seems the remake of Leisure Suit Larry is on schedule for a Q1 2013 release.

A quick voicemail from Rick Moyer all about the creation of the show’s intro song.

Then on to the main topic, Full Throttle. I cover all the usual topics and play a lot of clips from the game.

Next time, I’ll be talking about the 1999 business sim, Rollercoaster Tycoon.

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