Episode 54 – Sid Meier’s Pirates!
August 4, 2014Ahoy Blockers!
Welcome to episode 54 where we’ll be discussing the 1987 Microprose action/adventure/strategy title Sid Meier’s Pirates!
Now this is when I usually have the news, I’ve decided for the time being to drop the news section from the show and see how that goes. If you think I should put the news back in, let me know at podcast@umbcast.com.
We then get to the main event, Pirates! As always we discuss the genre, story, gameplay, tech focus and dev story.
Also, a bit of a recommendation: Friend of the show Chris was recently on the DOS Nostalgia Podcast and did an AMAZING rundown of DOS-era flight sims. If you have any fond memories of flight sims, you should check out episode 9 of the show (in addition to other shows on other topics).
Find it on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdzAxtVRVNc
Buy Pirates! Gold Plus on GoG:
Buy Sid Meier’s Pirates! (2004) on Steam:
Buy Sid Meier’s Pirates iPad on the App Store:
Next time, we’ll be racing into 1989 with Papyrus’ Indianapolis 500: The Simulation.
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