Episode 44 – Dune Part 1
January 26, 2014Blockers, the spice must flow!
Welcome to episode 44 where we’re talking about the 1992 Virgin Interactive series, Dune. In this first part we’ll discuss the first game by Cryo Interactive.
It appears a remake of the 1989 open-world RPG, Midwinter is in the works.
SimCity is getting an online mode, despite assurances it wasn’t possible.
Some changes to the design to the Steam controller are coming.
Next, some email links:
Sierra Gamers: www.sierragamers.com
SierraHelp: www.sierrahelp.com
Quest Studios: www.queststudios.com
Sierra Music Central: www.sierramusiccentral.com
Game Center CX: http://www.sa-gccx.com
We then get to the main event, Dune by Cryo Interactive.
Next time, we’ll be discussing Dune II and its descendants.
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