Episode 42 – Police Quest
December 18, 2013What’s your 20, Blockers?
It’s time for episode 42, all about Sierra’s 1987 adventure series, Police Quest.
Wasteland 2 is available for purchase via Steam Early Access.
The gog.com winter sale is ending and the Steam winter sale will soon begin.
A new trailer has released for the new Tex Murphy game, Tesla Effect.
A new Star Wars game, Attack Squadron has been teased. We don’t have a ton of info, but we do have a trailer.
We then get on to the main topic, Police Quest. We discuss the first four games of the series.
Buy Police Quest 1-4 on GoG:
YouTube playlist:
Next time, we’ll be covering the series of LucasArts WWII flight sims, Battlehawks 1942, Their Finest Hour and Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe. I’m excited to get back into some combat flight sims.
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Great episode as usual Joe :D. I had actually never played a Police Quest game…at least I thought I hadn’t until you revealed that SWAT was in the Police Quest pantheon.
I remember my brothers and I got SWAT from a going out of business bookstore (of all places) in my hometown. We never got very far since the semi adventure style game play was not what we were used to (RTS, FPS, and SNES were more in our wheel house). At any rate it was nice to learn this insight and just goes to show why I visit the upper memory blocks each time you do a show. 🙂