Episode 40 – Dark Forces
November 11, 2013May the Force be with you, Blockers!
It’s time for episode 40, where I am covering the 1995 LucasArts FPS series, Dark Forces/Jedi Knight.
Damon Slye has launched and retracted a Red Baron Kickstarter.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun has done an interesting compare/contrast review of Dungeon Keeper vs. War for the Overworld.
Trilobyte Games has launched a kickstarter to develop the third game in the 7th Guest series.
From Blizcon 2013, Blizzard has a team working on bringing the original two Warcraft RTS games to modern PCs.
We then discuss the four games in Dark Forces / Jedi Knight series. All the usual suspects and a ton of your emails!
Buy the Jedi Knight collection on Steam:
Next time, we’ll be covering the 1993 horror adventure, the 7th Guest.
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I have really vague memories of my dad playing one of the games in the series, but for the life of me, I can’t remember which one it was… Maybe Dark Forces, and I think he also played Jedi Knight, but I myself had never played them and fuzzy memories at best…
Oh, no pressure, Joe, I’m sure you’ll nail this one too. 🙂
Still lovin’ podcast, wish it was two weeks from now already.
Pressure’s on! I’ll try to pull some interesting dev stuff on the next show.