Episode 39 – Populous
October 21, 2013Namaste Blockers!
It’s episode 39 where I will be discussing the iconic 1989 Bullfrog god game, Populous.
But first a little bit of news:
Last time we talked about Rand Miller and Cyan getting back together fr a project. Well, it’s out and it’s called Obduction. It is a spiritual sucessor to Myst and Riven.
Next, in Thief news, The Dark Mod, a Thief mod for Doom 3 has released it’s second version. Dark Mod 2.0 is now standalone and does not require any resources from Doom 3.
We then get to the main topic, the Populous series. We cover all the usual suspects and also read an email from Paul where he talks about building his own version of Populous during Lionhead’s Creative Day in 2011.
Buy Populous on GoG:
Buy Populous 2 on GoG:
Buy Populous: The Beginning on GoG:
Next time I’ll be covering the 1995 LucasArts FPS, Dark Forces.
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