Episode 3 – SimCity
April 27, 2012Hello Blockers!
Episode 3 is here! The big discussion topic this week is Maxis’ groundbreaking game series, SimCity. Before we get into that I talk a little bit about my half-marathon training and my resultant sore legs. Then on to a bit of news, I revisit the Larry Kickstarter which has now reached its funding goal, give you guys some details about finding the podcast on Stitcher Radio and finally cover what’s going on with my DOS gaming box build.
Then we get to our main topic, SimCity! We discuss the genre and the history of both the original game and SimCity 2000. We then do a quick review of SC2000, listen to my very first voicemail and much more! I hope you enjoy.
Thanks for downloading and stay tuned for the next show where we’ll talk about the great strategy game, X-Com: UFO Defense.
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[…] submitted a comment to the latest Upper Memory Block podcast episode and it just got published tonight. I’m currently listening to it as I write this so hopefully […]
I grew up absolutely loving the Maxis franchise, and if my parents had allowed it, I would’ve owned them all, from Sim Ant to Sim Earth. As it were, I had to satisfy myself with Sim Farm, Sim Tower, and of course, the Sim City series. This was the game that really introduced me to city building, a genre I still greatly enjoy today.
I really love that you include a little history of how the developer came up with the idea, how he was working on an entirely different game when he started branching off. Absolutely fascinating!!
Listening your podcast with much excitement, after watching that Elder-Geek’s Game Club episode 🙂 Love hearing stories behind the games and their authors, especially having played almost everything you talk about here 🙂
Have you, yourself, played SimAnt?
I may have played SimAnt a little bit back in the 90s but there were so many “sim” games back then (SimEarth, SimLife, SimAnt, SimFarm, etc…) that I can’t remember for sure!
Right! I remember fondly all those other SimCity based 3D games, like “Streets of SimCity” and especially “SimCopter”, which was uniquely fun.
I remember playing the first simcity game at a friends house back in grade school, and later on the SNES. When Simcity 2000 hit, I was in a brand new middle school decked out with new MAC computers. I used to stay in our lab after school just playing simcity 2000 (there was a group of us that did this every Wednesday afternoon). When we got bored playing it straight through, we would use the money cheat codes to deck out the maps with as much ‘bling’ as possible – one of my friends made his whole map an airport. Haven’t tried any of the more modern versions, may have to check them out sometime.