Episode 17 – DOOM
November 18, 2012Hey there Blockers!
One week late, but here’s episode 17 where I cover the iconic first person shooter series from id software, DOOM.
There’s so much to say here that I don’t spend much in the way of time on news, I only mention that Chris Roberts’ Star Citizen project has concluded its funding campaign successfully. They are still collecting for stretch goals so check it out!
I then read a quick email and jump right into things with the main topic, id software’s DOOM series. I cover the story (such as it is), gameplay, get reasonably deep into the design of the game engine and look at the very interesting development story.
Play DOOM for free online: http://www.kongregate.com/games/mike_id/doom-1
Buy Doom 3: BFG Edition on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/208200/
Next week, we cover a very interesting game series: Alone in the Dark. Hope to see you then!
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I was soooooo looking forward to this one, and you didn’t disappoint! Doom 2: Hell on Earth must be the first FPS I ever played. I have very fond memories of playing the game. I never had the courage to go very far in the singleplayer game (I was too much of a chicken, that’s a credit to the brilliant sound design, I hadn’t even *seen* a monster and I was already scared!). But I played a lot of deathmatch with my father and sister (we had two computers in the house, the old and the newer one, hooked up to one another). I was lots of fun. I too blew myself up with the RPG once or twice (perhaps more). I also remember a Jurassic Park themed map with a sound track Samuel Jackson saying “hold on to your butts!” every time you fired the BFG. Good times!!
Also, I must be the only person who enjoyed the Doom movie. ^_^ (if only because it had Karl Urban 😉 )